Episode 78 Mastermind

Captain David Marquet

Commander David Marquet is a former US nuclear submarine captain who is known for turning around the lowest-ranked nuclear-powered submarine, the USS Santa Fe. Since then he has worked as a leadership expert and speaks to audiences globally about creating workplaces where people are healthier and happier because they have more control over their work. He is the bestselling author of ‘Turn the Ship Around’ and ‘Leadership is Language’

In this episode, Marquet shares his insights on leadership and how he transformed the Santa Fe into an award-winning submarine. We also explore topics on managing conflict, trusting the goal, and communicating for clarity and alignment

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Listen to: Trust
Episode 79


Trust is an essential component of building solid relationships and high performing teams, but can be difficult to quantify. This episode looks at the intangible nature of trust and the benefits of taking risks with trusted individuals. Tune in to hear from leaders in the sports world Britain's most successful...


34 min